Managing your financing statements

How to view, amend, renew, discharge, transfer and subordinate a financing statement

For a financing statement to continue providing you with a priority claim over personal property, and to give those searching the best chance of finding it, you must make sure the information it contains is accurate and up to date. It’s particularly important to record any changes to a debtor’s name.

New Zealand Companies Office

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Duration: 6:55


Welcome to this short video on how to register and manage your financing statements on the PPSR. To begin registering financing statements, you must have a RealMe username and password.


Login screen of the RealMe site Enters username and password


When you log in with RealMe, you'll be taken straight to the user dashboard. To create or manage a financing statement, your secured party group must be added to My Portfolio.


My Portfolio tab


You can do this by creating a new secured party group, or by adding an existing one. To add a secured party group, click on Manage My Portfolio, and under Secured Party Groups, click Add to My Portfolio.


Claim secured party group authority


Enter your secured party group ID and password.




Confirm that you are authorised to manage the secured party group, and click on Continue.


Cursor to continue


If you only deal with one secured party group, we recommend that you set it up as your default secured party group.


Checkbox, set as my default, then clicks confirm


If you have set up a default secured party group, you can begin creating a financing statement from the dashboard menu option, PPSR Registrations and under Financing Statements, select Create. If, however, you manage multiple secured party groups, and you don't have a default, click on the hyperlinked Secured Party Group ID in My Portfolio.


Cursor on hyperlink on main dashboard


On the View Secured Party Groups screen, click on the Create Financing Statement button.


Second button at top


Within the Financing Statement Details tab, the expiry date will be defaulted to the maximum of five years. If you need to change this, click on the Expiry Date calendar icon, select a date, and then click Next Step -- Debtor Details. For this video, we have chosen a Debtor Organisation type. From the Add Debtor dropdown menu, select Organisation. Enter debtor organisation name or NZBN in the lookup.


Dropdown list


Select Debtor from the list, and complete the remaining information, and press Save.


Scrolling down through text fields, contact address, person acting on behalf of Zooming on two buttons at left, Cancel, and Save. Clicks Save. Unclicked buttons underneath, Cancel, and Save and Exit


Then click on Next Step -- Collateral Details. On the Collateral Details tab, enter the collateral details. For this video, we've chosen a motor vehicle as the collateral. Click the Add Collateral button, and in the Collateral Type dropdown menu, select Goods -- Motor Vehicles. Click the Add Collateral Item, and complete the required fields.


Collateral details


If you're unsure of the vehicle's VIN or registration numbers, you can look them up here. Complete vehicle details. We will pre-populate the remaining data from the motor vehicle register. Then click Save, and Next Step -- Secured Party Details. The secured party details are pre-populated from your secured party group.


Cursor moves up


Click Next Step -- Review.


New page. Edit buttons for each field on right


Check your details, and edit if required. If you want to finish the registration later, choose Save and Exit.


Button at bottom left


Once checked, click Register at the bottom of the screen. On the Payment screen, choose your preferred payment option. Select your preferred method of payment. You have a choice of three options -- credit, debit card, and internet banking. Direct debit is also available, but you need to set it up beforehand. The reference you enter for this transaction will appear on the invoice and invoice extract.


Tax invoice details


To finalise payment, click Process Payment.


Clicks button at bottom


Once you finish registering the financing statement, you will receive a verification statement by email and a separate email that includes the financing statement PIN.




Your registered financing statements will be displayed in the My Recently Finished Business tab on your dashboard. If you opted to save and exit, you will find the unfinished financing statement in My Unfinished Business. To manage your secured party group on the dashboard, under My Portfolio, click on the Secured Party Group ID hyperlink. Then click on the Secured Party Tools button, and choose the option you require.




To view the financing statements registered under your secured party group, select List All Financing Statements. On this page, you can search for a particular financing statement by registration number, or filter by financing statements status, registration, or expiry dates.


Scrolling down


To view or maintain a particular financing statement, select it from the list at the bottom of the page.


Clicks hyperlink to show statement


To manage your financing statement, on the View Financing Statement screen, click on the Maintain button, and choose the option you require. You will need the financing statement PIN to perform any of these actions.




To keep track of your financing statements, you can create reports. This is particularly useful for checking when financing statements are about to expire. To create a list, go to the dashboard menu, select Manage My Portfolio, and My Financing Statements.


List appears


On the List All Financing Statements for My Portfolio screen, financing statements are listed at the bottom, ordered by registration date, with the most recent first.


Search bars and drop downs


You can search by financing statement registration number, or filter by financing statements status, registration, or expiry dates.


Types in expiry date, then drop down to change option to between. Second date appears


Listed financing statements can be exported in a CSV file. You can download, print, or email this list.


Buttons above list


If you have any questions about registering on the PPSR or anything else to do with the register, contact the Companies Office. Check out our Contact Us page for details.


New Zealand Companies Office, Personal Property Securities Register,


Accessing your financing statements

Once a secured party group has been added to ‘My Portfolio’, all organisation users can view, register and maintain financing statements for the group, providing they have user permission (to register and maintain) and a financing statement PIN (to maintain).

After logging in, you can make your way to the maintenance services. Either:

  1. From the dashboard menu, select ‘PPSR Registrations’ and ‘Maintain’. You’ll then be asked for the financing statement registration number.
  2. On the ‘View Financing Statement’ screen, click ‘Maintain’ and from the drop-down menu select the appropriate option. Enter the financing statement PIN, click ‘Submit’ and proceed to the maintenance services.

Viewing your financing statements

There are 2 ways to view your financing statements:

  1. From the ‘View Secured Party Group’ screen, select the menu options ‘Secured Party Tools’ and ‘List All Financing Statements’. Here you are able to search and view financing statements registered under the secured party group.
  2. From the dashboard menu, select ‘Manage My Portfolio’ and ‘My Financing Statements’. Here you are able to search and view financing statements under ‘My Portfolio’.

Once you have located the financing statement, click on its registration number and you will be presented with the ‘View Financing Statement’ screen. Here you can:

  • maintain your financing statement
  • request a copy of the verification statement
  • use the tabs to view the financing statement’s current and historic details
  • email, download or print your financing statement.

Clicking on the links will take you to the relevant section of the statement.

Amending a financing statement

To amend a financing statement:

  1. From the ‘Maintain’ drop-down menu select ‘Amend Financing Statement’.
  2. Enter the financing statement PIN.
  3. On the ‘Amend Registered Financing Statement’ screen, click on the financing statement tab that contains the information you wish to change, or click on the ‘Next Step’ button to move to the next tab.

You can change the following details:

Financing statement details

Change the expiry date to a date that's less than or equal to 5 years from the registration or renewal date.

Debtor details

Add, remove or edit debtor information.

Collateral details

Add, remove or edit collateral information.

You can use the motor vehicle search option to check and update motor vehicle details.

Secured party details

Where the secured party is an organisation, you can add, remove or edit the contact person for the financing statement.

Renewing a financing statement

Unless renewed, a financing statement will expire automatically 5 years after it was registered (or at an earlier date where a lesser term has been specified). To maintain your priority claim over the personal property (the collateral), you must renew your financing statement before it expires.

To renew a financing statement:

  1. From the ‘Maintain’ drop-down menu select ‘Renew’.
  2. Enter the financing statement PIN.
  3. On the ‘Renew Registered Financing Statement’ screen, you’ll see the new expiry date set to the default of 5 years from the renewal date. You can, however, enter a different expiry date by clicking on the calendar icon.
  4. Click ‘Register’ to proceed to the payment screen.
  5. Select how you want to pay your renewal fee and click ‘Continue’.

Adding a debtor's NZBN to a financing statement

If a debtor organisation’s NZBN is not yet included in your financing statements, you must  amend your financing statements and edit the debtor organisation details to include the NZBN.

  1. From the 'Maintain' drop-down list, select ‘Amend Financing Statement’.
  2. Enter the financing statement PIN.
  3. On the ‘Amend Registered Financing Statement’ screen, click on the ‘Debtor Details’ tab.
  4. Click the ‘Edit Debtor’ button next to the debtor to which you wish to add the NZBN. Then click on the ‘Change’ link.
  5. You’ll be provided with a look-up option. Enter the debtor organisation name, and all organisations with that name will be presented in a drop-down list. Once you’ve selected the correct organisation, the PPSR will automatically populate the name, its incorporation or registration number along with its NZBN.
  6. Click the ‘Save’ button.
  7. Click the ‘Next Step’ button to move to the next tab or go to the ‘Review’ tab.
  8. Click the ‘Register’ button to complete the changes to the financing statement.

For information about NZBN, please visit

Discharging a financing statement

When a financing statement needs to be removed from the PPSR before the expiry date, use the discharge option:

  1. From the ‘Maintain’ drop-down list select ‘Discharge Financing Statement’.
  2. Enter the financing statement PIN.
  3. On the ‘Discharge Registered Financing Statement’ screen, click ‘Register’ to discharge the financing statement.

Expired financing statements

Financing statements are registered for a maximum of 5 years. Unless renewed, they will expire at the end of their specified term.

What happens when a financing statement expires?

When a financing statement expires, the PPSR sends a notice to the secured party group. Please note, you are not alerted by us when the financing statement is about to expire.

To keep track of when your financing statements are set to expire you can create a list (see below).

Failure to renew a financing statement may affect any priority claim you have over the secured collateral.

Once expired, the only way to search for a financing statement is to conduct a financing statement number search. Only active financing statements are searchable using the other search options.

Keeping track of financing statements that are due to expire

To keep track of when your financing statements are due to expire you can create a list with our online reporting tools.

Restoring an expired financing statement

Expired financing statements cannot be restored unless ordered by the High Court. If the debtor has not met their obligations (for example, if money owed has not been repaid), you may wish to seek legal advice on your best course of action.

The Registrar may restore a financing statement if it appears that, due to a clerical error by the Registrar, the registration has been incorrectly discharged or removed.

A financing statement that has been restored is regarded as having been in force throughout the period during which it was incorrectly discharged or removed.

Transferring financing statements from one SPG to another

From time to time it may be necessary to transfer one or more financing statements from one secured party group to another. This might be due to a change in the name or membership of your SPG, or because a financing statement needs to be transferred to a third party.

To transfer financing statements between two secured party groups

  1. On the ‘View Secured Party Group’ screen of the SPG you are transferring financing statements from, click on ‘Secured Party Tools’.
  2. Select ‘Transfer Financing Statements’ from the drop-down menu.
  3. In the ‘Transfer Details’ tab, enter the future secured party group’s ID.
  4. Select the type of the transfer that you wish to make:
    • Global transfer
      This allows you to transfer all active financing statements from your selected secured party group to another secured party group.
    • Selective transfer – specify financing statement registration number
      Here you can specify active financing statements by their registration number.
    • Selective transfer – search and select financing statement
      This selective transfer allows you to view all active financing statements under this secured party group or search them by a registration date and then select those you wish to transfer.
  5. Select ‘Next Step: Confirmation’ at the bottom of the page
  6. The ‘Confirmation’ tab will present the current and future secured party group details, as well as the number of financing statements to be transferred, and will also list selected financing statements if it is a selective transfer.
  7. Click ‘Submit’ to complete the transaction.

Subordinating a financing statement

A subordination is an agreement between secured parties regarding priority over a security interest.

The party with the inferior claim registers the subordination agreement between the two financing statements in the PPSR.

Subordinations have their own term. It can be for the duration of one of the financing statements or a lesser period, as agreed. The subordination expiry date must be the same as (or prior to) the earlier of the 2 financing statement expiry dates.

Multiple subordinations can be registered for a financing statement. However, more than one active subordination between the same financing statements is not permitted.

Renewing financing statements does not automatically renew subordinations registered on them. You have to reregister the subordination at the time you renew the financing statement.

Before subordinating or unsubordinating a financing statement you may wish to seek legal advice.

To subordinate a financing statement

  1. From the ‘Maintain’ drop-down menu select ‘Subordinate’.
  2. Enter the financing statement PIN.
  3. On the ‘Subordinate Financing Statement’ screen, enter the superior financing statement registration number.
  4. You can also enter a subordination expiry date. Otherwise, the date will default to the earlier expiry of the two financing statements.
  5. Click ‘Submit’ to register the subordination.

Unsubordinating a financing statement

If, as a secured party, you wish to relinquish your priority over a previously subordinated financing statement, you can ‘unsubordinate’ it.

You will see the details for the inferior financing statement under the ‘Subordination Details’ section of the financing statement.

To unsubordinate a financing statement

  1. From the ‘Maintain’ drop-down menu select ‘Unsubordinate’.
  2. Enter the financing statement PIN.
  3. Once directed to the ‘Unsubordinate Financing Statement’ screen, click ‘Submit’ to register the unsubordination.

Subordination when a financing statement expires or is discharged

When a financing statement expires or is discharged, any subordinations that are registered on that financing statement are automatically cancelled.