Registering financing statements

How to register a financing statement on the PPSR

It’s important to have all the information you need to register your financing statement, and that it’s entered into the PPSR correctly. If you fail to do so, it could make it difficult for someone to find your security interests. To register a financing statement, please follow the steps below.

1. Set up your online services account

Before you begin registering a financing statement, you'll need to have:

  • a RealMe® log in
  • an online services account with the PPSR

2. Gather the information you'll need

To register a financing statement you'll need to provide the following information.

Financing statement details

An expiry date for the financing statement, if it is to be registered for less than 5 years. The date defaults to the current date plus 5 years, and can be amended as required. Registration cannot be extended beyond 5 years, but you can renew a financing statement before it expires.

Debtor details

Where the debtor is an organisation

The New Zealand Business Number (NZBN) is a unique, globally recognised form of identification assigned to businesses in New Zealand. You must provide the NZBN for debtor organisations (excluding trusts, partnerships and sole traders) when registering or amending a financing statement.

To ensure the correct details are entered, use the ‘Organisation Lookup’ option in the PPSR, where the debtor is a:

  • company registered in New Zealand,
  • limited partnership,
  • incorporated society,
  • charitable trust,
  • industrial and provident society,
  • building society,
  • credit union,
  • friendly society
  • public sector entity (where the public sector entity has been assigned an NZBN), or
  • another entity registered in New Zealand (for example, The Public Trust, New Zealand Law Society, New Zealand Institute of Chartered Accountants).

The PPSR provides a list of the organisations that match the given name or NZBN. Once you've selected the correct organisation, the PPSR populates the name and organisation type, its incorporation or registration number, and NZBN for you.

Where the debtor is a person

Where the debtor is a person, you must provide their date of birth and other personal details. If the person is acting on behalf of a debtor organisation, you may enter either the person’s name or their job title.

Before entering the debtor's name, you should be familiar with the debtor name rules.

Collateral details

You’ll need to select the collateral type that best describes the item of property in which you're registering an interest. The information you’ll be asked to enter depends on the collateral selected.

For example, to register a financing statement in respect of a motor vehicle, you will need to enter the year of manufacture, the make and model, and either the registration, VIN or chassis number – but ideally all three.

To ensure you have the correct details, you can use the 'look-up' option in the PPSR, entering the vehicle identification number (VIN) or the registration number. The PPSR will populate the remaining information for you. If you are using a registration number, but the vehicle has since been issued with a replacement number, searching for both the old and the new number will provide the best results.

Different requirements will apply for other forms of collateral, where there is no unique identification number.

Secured party details

Secured party details are pre-populated for the selected secured party group.

Where the secured party is an organisation, you may add a contact person for a particular financing statement. They will receive all future notifications about the financing statement, instead of the person acting on behalf of the organisation.

3. Register your financing statement

There are two ways to begin registering a financing statement.

  1. Users with a default secured party group can use the navigation menu options ‘PPSR registrations’ and select ‘Create’ to register a financing statement for the default group.
  2. Users without a default secured party group must navigate to the ‘View Secured Party Group’ screen and click ‘Register Financing Statement’.

When you have provided the required information for each tab, click ‘Save & Exit’ or the ‘Next Step’ button at the bottom right-hand corner of the page. If you do not wish to continue with the registration, you can click ‘Cancel’ at any time.

If you choose to ‘Save & Exit’, your draft financing statement will be stored in 'My Unfinished Business'. You have 30 days from the initial start date to complete the registration.

The progress bar will show you the steps that you have completed and those still to be finished.

New Zealand Companies Office

View transcript


Duration: 6:55


Welcome to this short video on how to register and manage your financing statements on the PPSR. To begin registering financing statements, you must have a RealMe username and password.


Login screen of the RealMe site Enters username and password


When you log in with RealMe, you'll be taken straight to the user dashboard. To create or manage a financing statement, your secured party group must be added to My Portfolio.


My Portfolio tab


You can do this by creating a new secured party group, or by adding an existing one. To add a secured party group, click on Manage My Portfolio, and under Secured Party Groups, click Add to My Portfolio.


Claim secured party group authority


Enter your secured party group ID and password.




Confirm that you are authorised to manage the secured party group, and click on Continue.


Cursor to continue


If you only deal with one secured party group, we recommend that you set it up as your default secured party group.


Checkbox, set as my default, then clicks confirm


If you have set up a default secured party group, you can begin creating a financing statement from the dashboard menu option, PPSR Registrations and under Financing Statements, select Create. If, however, you manage multiple secured party groups, and you don't have a default, click on the hyperlinked Secured Party Group ID in My Portfolio.


Cursor on hyperlink on main dashboard


On the View Secured Party Groups screen, click on the Create Financing Statement button.


Second button at top


Within the Financing Statement Details tab, the expiry date will be defaulted to the maximum of five years. If you need to change this, click on the Expiry Date calendar icon, select a date, and then click Next Step -- Debtor Details. For this video, we have chosen a Debtor Organisation type. From the Add Debtor dropdown menu, select Organisation. Enter debtor organisation name or NZBN in the lookup.


Dropdown list


Select Debtor from the list, and complete the remaining information, and press Save.


Scrolling down through text fields, contact address, person acting on behalf of Zooming on two buttons at left, Cancel, and Save. Clicks Save. Unclicked buttons underneath, Cancel, and Save and Exit


Then click on Next Step -- Collateral Details. On the Collateral Details tab, enter the collateral details. For this video, we've chosen a motor vehicle as the collateral. Click the Add Collateral button, and in the Collateral Type dropdown menu, select Goods -- Motor Vehicles. Click the Add Collateral Item, and complete the required fields.


Collateral details


If you're unsure of the vehicle's VIN or registration numbers, you can look them up here. Complete vehicle details. We will pre-populate the remaining data from the motor vehicle register. Then click Save, and Next Step -- Secured Party Details. The secured party details are pre-populated from your secured party group.


Cursor moves up


Click Next Step -- Review.


New page. Edit buttons for each field on right


Check your details, and edit if required. If you want to finish the registration later, choose Save and Exit.


Button at bottom left


Once checked, click Register at the bottom of the screen. On the Payment screen, choose your preferred payment option. Select your preferred method of payment. You have a choice of three options -- credit, debit card, and internet banking. Direct debit is also available, but you need to set it up beforehand. The reference you enter for this transaction will appear on the invoice and invoice extract.


Tax invoice details


To finalise payment, click Process Payment.


Clicks button at bottom


Once you finish registering the financing statement, you will receive a verification statement by email and a separate email that includes the financing statement PIN.




Your registered financing statements will be displayed in the My Recently Finished Business tab on your dashboard. If you opted to save and exit, you will find the unfinished financing statement in My Unfinished Business. To manage your secured party group on the dashboard, under My Portfolio, click on the Secured Party Group ID hyperlink. Then click on the Secured Party Tools button, and choose the option you require.




To view the financing statements registered under your secured party group, select List All Financing Statements. On this page, you can search for a particular financing statement by registration number, or filter by financing statements status, registration, or expiry dates.


Scrolling down


To view or maintain a particular financing statement, select it from the list at the bottom of the page.


Clicks hyperlink to show statement


To manage your financing statement, on the View Financing Statement screen, click on the Maintain button, and choose the option you require. You will need the financing statement PIN to perform any of these actions.




To keep track of your financing statements, you can create reports. This is particularly useful for checking when financing statements are about to expire. To create a list, go to the dashboard menu, select Manage My Portfolio, and My Financing Statements.


List appears


On the List All Financing Statements for My Portfolio screen, financing statements are listed at the bottom, ordered by registration date, with the most recent first.


Search bars and drop downs


You can search by financing statement registration number, or filter by financing statements status, registration, or expiry dates.


Types in expiry date, then drop down to change option to between. Second date appears


Listed financing statements can be exported in a CSV file. You can download, print, or email this list.


Buttons above list


If you have any questions about registering on the PPSR or anything else to do with the register, contact the Companies Office. Check out our Contact Us page for details.


New Zealand Companies Office, Personal Property Securities Register,

Saving financing statements as pending

At any time during the process of registering a financing statement you can choose ‘Save and Exit’ to store an unfinished financing statement for up to 30 days.

The financing statement is saved under ‘My Unfinished Business’ on your dashboard.

This can be useful if you get part-way through the registration process and find that you are missing a piece of information.

Unfinished or ‘pending’ statements have no legal status and do not appear on the register. The system assigns a registration date and time to the financing statement only after it has been registered.

Please be aware that if you are disconnected while registering a financing statement on the PPSR, the system does not save a copy of the information you have already entered. To save an unfinished statement you must choose to 'Save and Exit'.

To complete an unfinished financing statement

  1. Log in to the PPSR.
  2. Under ‘My Tools’, select the statement you wish to complete from ‘My Unfinished Business’.
  3. Review the details already entered, and complete the financing statement.
  4. Register the financing statement.

If you fail to complete a transaction having been directed to the payment screen, the unfinished financing statement will be saved in ‘Pay’ status. You can complete the registration by accessing the financing statement in ‘My Unfinished Business’; however, you will not be able to change details.

4. Review and complete your financing statement

The final tab displays the completed financing statement. At this stage, you can:

  • review the information, and amend as required
  • if the details are complete and error-free, click ‘Register’
  • register the statement later by clicking ‘Save & Exit’
  • choose how you want to pay your registration fee, and click ‘Continue’.

When you’ve finished, the financing statement will be displayed in the ‘My Finished Business’ tab.